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Friday, May 27, 2005

What's Goin On?

54 US troops have been killed in Iraq so far this May. Nearly 600 Iraqis have died since elections were held there and the interim government took over. Abuse of the Koran may have happened after all. Abuse of rights and prisoners clearly is happening. And is our media bringing this info to the public? Or are they much more interested in keeping you up on the infotainment story of the week (with minimum attention paid to the "info" part of it). Jus' a little something to think about as we get into this memorial day weekend...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Okay, Time to get This Started Back Up...

I know, I fell off. I really fell off. I fell off the whole damn map. We had more death and chaos in Iraq, more GOP power grabs, Malcolm X's birthday and of course the "final," Star Wars (which was the shit by the way). Let's just say I took a little vacation from most things that I wouldn't get fired from ditching (the gym, this, use of my mind in any serious way that didn't have a Star Wars component). But that's the past, and right now I got some stuff for dat-ass...

First up is a post from Bill Moyers about the controversies swirling around him, PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. That was the topic at least. The speech really is about the critical need for a media that challenges the status quo, and the forces at work to make sure that it ceases to exist. It's real long whether you listen to it or read it, but it's worth a look (or listen)...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Update: Race Matters, Adam's Book gets some Press!

I'm just minding my own business; wasting time a t work reading AlterNet when bam! There's a feature/interview with Adam about his book! It's a real interesting read so check it our here.

Remember the Vice-President debate last fall? Remember how the moderator brought up the fact that 71% of the new AIDS cases in America afflict Black Women. She asked for both candidates thoughts on this, the most substantive question regarding race during any of the debates, and neither candidate could come up with anything resembling an answer to her question. Neither one even knew that this was the case. How did the examination of race fall out of the national discourse? Where has the attention on the relationship between white America and Black America gone, and the folks with prescriptions for what ails us? These are the questions that my man Adam Mansbach wonders about (I'm sure he wonders about other things, like will the Celts ever be good again, but that's besides the point) and writes about; in an Op-Ed that calls for White History Month. Check it out, then buy his newest novel, "Angry Black White Boy, or The Miscegenation of Macon Detornay."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Update:Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Reviews, Poster and Full Length Trailer

See a spoiler-free review here , Kevin Smith's gushing review with spoilers here (I haven't read this one, for obvious reasons) poster here, and watch the trailer here! I'll update them as they keep coming...

National ID's- "Show us Your Papers!"

Under the guises of strengthening national security and curbing illegal immigration the Congress is trying to sneak through a "real ID," provision that would demand that states demand proof of legal residency from people that want driver's licenses or state ID's. The ID's would also collect information in a large national database, allowing us to be tracked by any interested state or federal agency (or clever identity theft). Combined with a proposed updated Social Security card that would include a digitized photo and personal info in it's magnetic stripe, we're moving (not so slowly) down a slippery slope towards a total "surveillance society." If this will really keep America safer and is such a good idea why is it tucked in as part of an emergency appropriations bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? More importantly, when do we stop wasting time and just barcode our citizens as soon as their born to make sure that we can keep track of each other (oh yeah, that's happening already)???

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Iraq: Headed Towards Civil War?

While Dubya thinks that things are going well in Iraq, the situation seems to be barrelling towards Civil War. As the new Iraqi government pledges harsher reprisals against Sunni-lead insurgents, Sunni's are becoming more and more fearful of the Shiate led government. Does allying with the insurgents follow for the peaceful majority of Sunni if they continue to feel threatened? We can hope that it can be avoided, but nobody's proposing anyway that it can...