National ID's- "Show us Your Papers!"
Under the guises of strengthening national security and curbing illegal immigration the Congress is trying to sneak through a "real ID," provision that would demand that states demand proof of legal residency from people that want driver's licenses or state ID's. The ID's would also collect information in a large national database, allowing us to be tracked by any interested state or federal agency (or clever identity theft). Combined with a proposed updated Social Security card that would include a digitized photo and personal info in it's magnetic stripe, we're moving (not so slowly) down a slippery slope towards a total "surveillance society." If this will really keep America safer and is such a good idea why is it tucked in as part of an emergency appropriations bill for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? More importantly, when do we stop wasting time and just barcode our citizens as soon as their born to make sure that we can keep track of each other (oh yeah, that's happening already)???
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