Darfur: Update and Action Alert
The good news: The African Union has pledged to beef up their peacekeeping force, and to exert their powers more to intervene in violence that the force observes and to protect humanitarian convoys.
The (could be) good news: There is a Supplemental Appropriations bill in conference between the House and Senate. The Senate version includes over $90 million to support the African Union force and humanitarian efforts. We can help to make sure that these appropriations make it to the final bill by putting pressure on the House members that didn't include them. How to do that? Click here, then call Congressman Hyde (202-225-4561) and Congressman Kolbe (202-225-2542) and urge them to keep these provisions to aid Darfur intact in the final conference version of the Supplemental Appropriations Bill.
The bad news: People are still dying and the world is still moving to slow to stop the genocide.
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