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Friday, April 15, 2005

Update: Tell Frineds in "Swing States," to Call Thier Senators to Keep the Right from Packing the Courts

The Filibuster vote is coming. The conservatives are gearing up for it with, "Justice Sunday," a mass rally/tlecast/radio-cast that will rally against a filibuster that is, "being used against people of faith." Don't let them turn American government into a oneparty fundamentalist theocracy. Find family and friends in states with Republican Senators that can decide this thing. As Daily Kos reports:

We have all 44 Dems and Jeffords (against killing the filibuster). We have
McCain and Chafee.
These are the swing votes. We need four of them.
Collins (ME)
Hagel (NE)
Snowe (ME)


Warner (VA)

If you are a constituent (and only if you are a constituent), it's time to
make that call.

Call your Senator today!!!!!

The issue is below, and the momentum is on the side of keeping the Senate a place where minority views must be taken into account. Help keep the pressure on, those last four Senators MUST fall into the correct column this time:

Do you care about Civil Rights? Then Judge Terrence Boyle isn't for you. Interested in protecting the enviorment? Judge William Myers III probably won't be much help. Believe in a woman's right to choose? You may not want a judge appointed that called Roe vs. Wade, "the worst abomination of constitutional law in our history." Care about Senate procedural rules? Probably not, but if you think that judges with extreme views on issues that you care about shouldn't be appointed for life to the highest courts in the land then you need to worry about the fate of the filibuster. It's a procedural rule in the Senate that gives the minority party the ability to block extremely right wing appointments (or extremely left wing appointments when the GOP's in the minority, hopefully very soon). It's been used for virtually all of America's history, sparingly, when necessary. It's one reason why the Senate's more temperate and bipartisan then the House, and the Republicans want it out of their way; preferibly before they even begin to nominate Supreme Court justices. If we don't stop Republican's attempts to iniate the "nuclear option," we won't be able to stop the lifetime appointment of far right wing judges to Federal benches on all levels, all the way up to the Supreme Court (with 4 justices over 70 years old that may need replacing in the next 4 years). This is not something that can be undone with the next election, or next 5 elections. We must act TODAY or pay for a good while longer.

Please take a minute and find your Senators at and tell them to fight the "nuclear option."


ps-please leave a comment to let me know if you called, or to let me know if you're against this...


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best way to have an impact on Senators outside of my state????

At 7:26 PM, Blogger GBREY said...

You can go to and pick another senetor. suggest, "You should target your calls to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, the Tennessee Republican who controls the agenda and is most influential on judicial nominations and whether the rules change to silence the Democrats is forced through." Hope this helps...


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