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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Judges under attack (and the way we confirm them)!!

The judge hunt is on. It doesn't matter if the judges are Republican and Baptist like George Greer, the presiding judge in the Schaivo case. They rule on the law in ways that conservatives don't like so their power must be cut off. Even congressional Republicans are sounding off, with Tom Delay threatening judges and Senator (Senator!) John Cornyn suggesting that violence against judges is understandable! I guess "Checks and Balances," aren't very attractive to the neo-cons anymore...

So what's the plan of attack? The first step is to demonize the judiciary. Then once the "problem" of "activist judges," is established the neocons will propose their solutions; limiting the power of the judiciary and stacking the court with far right judges. To accomplish the later goal, Senate Republican leadership is attempting to end the filibuster in the Senate. What's the filibuster? A Senate rule that can delay debate or block legislation. It requires 60 votes to end a filibuster, forcing broad consensus to confirm judges or pass legislation. Why would we want broad consensus before we confirm judges to lifetime appointments???

I'll let you guys figure out the answer to that one...


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