Update: Race Matters, Adam's Book gets some Press!
I'm just minding my own business; wasting time a t work reading AlterNet when bam! There's a feature/interview with Adam about his book! It's a real interesting read so check it our here.
Remember the Vice-President debate last fall? Remember how the moderator brought up the fact that 71% of the new AIDS cases in America afflict Black Women. She asked for both candidates thoughts on this, the most substantive question regarding race during any of the debates, and neither candidate could come up with anything resembling an answer to her question. Neither one even knew that this was the case. How did the examination of race fall out of the national discourse? Where has the attention on the relationship between white America and Black America gone, and the folks with prescriptions for what ails us? These are the questions that my man Adam Mansbach wonders about (I'm sure he wonders about other things, like will the Celts ever be good again, but that's besides the point) and writes about; in an Op-Ed that calls for White History Month. Check it out, then buy his newest novel, "Angry Black White Boy, or The Miscegenation of Macon Detornay."
Well, if Adam's article and new book inspired you to tell me about your blog, then that's good enough for me.
People (I mean white people, really) claim to be done with race, thinking in their privileged way that all of that negative stuff is behind us and we should just move on and forget about it (see: Black people should get over it). Talking about race and racism is just divisive, according to this line of thinking (see: Black people should get over it). This is what I hear at work, anyway, where almost all the teachers are white. Don't believe the hype: Massachusetts isn't all that liberal.
btw, you might not want to talk trash about the Celtics, given what happened when you maligned the Patriots. Besides, my man Danny Ainge is at the helm now, and we beat the Pistons last night...
Danny rectified his biggest mistake, ditching Antoine, and now their taking off. As long as talk doesn't drift towards talking about the Lakers I'm happy.
As for the issue of race in the public discourse; those that are hostile to the remedies that are necessary to bring Black folks to an equal footing do stand on the "get over it," podium. I think that something else has gone on with those that used to be inclined to believe in Black oppresion and, in many cases, work against it. Not to sound like a Republican at a certain convention in New York (or any other day) but "9/11 changed everything." Detained Arab Americans, home and abroad, have caught whiteliberal/progressives attention. There's no time for the same old Black misery (if there is time to worry about misery beyond Arab misery, it's whiteliberal/progressives misery and "oppresion," beneath the heal of red state dominated America. The relatively light coverage of the police shooting of Devin Brown, a 13 year old Black boy on a joyride, by the "liberal" L.A. Times (and even the truly left wing L.A. Weekly) and other media bears this out.
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