Is Tavis Smiley a corrupted corporate shill?
One brothas view of the world's news, sports and culture. Stay informed, stay involved, stay badasss!!!
As if the Orwellian state of our government, thanks to the Bush crime family isn't bad enough (the "clear skies initiative" that makes the skies clear of birds, and the "healthy forest," iniative that allows more logging of older trees are just 2 examples), the ACLU reports that we are fast becoming a fully functional serveillance society. If you're one of those, "I don't worry about being watched, I don't do anything wrong," kinds of people, can I come over and hang out a few feet away from you for a week? Then I'll watch every, and I mean EVERY single thing that you do? Sound fun????
Have you heard about the guy accused of plotting to kill the president (which is a really bad idea considering it'll leave us with Tricky Dick part Deux)? Did you know he was detained in Saudi Arabia and tortured before he was charged of anything here? Now you do...
We don't get much news about Africa (we barely hear about genocide when it goes on in the "dark continent," so simple facism gets no play), but here's a story abut the current situation in Zimbabwe from Salon. com (a sight that's definately worth checking out from time to time). No real comment here, we're not in that much better shape here, so why pass judgement? Okay, we are in better shape then Zimbabwe, we have a free press, they just don't actually report anything...
While everyone's focused on the Tsunami, if they're still even focused on that, the genocide and masss famine in the Sudan continues. Reuters reports:
I know that Bush's budget is hard on the poor and left out, and you know it too; but here's the facts of his budget proposal so that you have some ammunition when you argue with your neo-con friends (I hope you don't have any neocon friends but in case yo do...). My favorite part of this is the Black conservatives explaining the deep, deep cuts away by saying that, “They did the best they could do,” Renee Amoore, deputy chair of the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee, told Tuesday. “We have to get this deficit to drop.” How did we get these deficits? I wonder... It couldn't be tax-cuts to the rich during (unjustified) wartime could it???
There was a poll that asked people to "vote" for either President Bush or George Washington. The man who could not tell a lie beat the guy who cant stop telling lies by 20 points. These reason for the slim margin of victory for the father of our country was the 2 to 1 Republican vote in favor of Bush. They really are crazy aren't they?! But that's not the question of the week. The question is, who's the bigger liar and why? Your choices are Kobe Bryant or George W. Bush. Go!
Senator Al Franken (sorry, I'm projecting out to 2008) has an editorial in the LA Times discussing the Republican calendar that gives a daily reference to the civil rights accomplishments of the Grand Old Party. As Franken notes:
It's an old one, but since I'm launching I figured I should come out strong...
Not an exact quote, but I wish I was misrepresenting what she actually said. Maybe I'm just paranoid after seeing a documentary on the Rwandan genocide. The film makes it clear that hate radio was a key in inflaming the hatred of the Hutus that eventually massacred their Tutsi neighbors, co-workers and friends. Now the neo-con right is targeting "leftist" professors and intellectuals, their even calling Jimmy Carter a traitor! Are we so much more advanced and "civilized," that we don't have to worry about it happening here? I bet anti-Nazi Germans weren't that worried either until...
Dont' believe me, how about Robert Kennedy Jr., or Veterans for Peace, or even the American Conservative? Why don't you just google it bitches?! Wake up Sheep-ple! (was that strong enough paranoid ranting)...