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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Coulter: "Bring McCarthyism Back!"

Not an exact quote, but I wish I was misrepresenting what she actually said. Maybe I'm just paranoid after seeing a documentary on the Rwandan genocide. The film makes it clear that hate radio was a key in inflaming the hatred of the Hutus that eventually massacred their Tutsi neighbors, co-workers and friends. Now the neo-con right is targeting "leftist" professors and intellectuals, their even calling Jimmy Carter a traitor! Are we so much more advanced and "civilized," that we don't have to worry about it happening here? I bet anti-Nazi Germans weren't that worried either until...
Dont' believe me, how about Robert Kennedy Jr., or Veterans for Peace, or even the American Conservative? Why don't you just google it bitches?! Wake up Sheep-ple! (was that strong enough paranoid ranting)...


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