One brothas view of the world's news, sports and culture. Stay informed, stay involved, stay badasss!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Happy Birthday Air America!

Air America Radio, the left-wing talk network is celebrating it's 1 year anniversary today. To coincide with the anniversary, HBO will air "Left of the Dial," a documentary that followed the people in front of, and behind the scenes during the start up of the network. Air America had a rocky start, due to financial difficulties early on, but it is now growing at a strong clip, with strong ratings. Jerry Springer joins AA tomorrow, so the future looks like it's going to get even bigger and brighter...

Monday, March 21, 2005

Africa Snapshot

The world missed a chance to act in Rwanda, we haven't done enough to stop the carnage in the Sudan, and many of us have forgotten the Tsunami while Congress is caught up in the Terry Schaivo case. What we've heard nothing about is the situation in the Congo, where political instability and military conflict is costing 30,000 lives a month. And while we talk about "democracy flowering," in the middle east, there is little attention paid to the elctions in Zimbabwe, where voters are afraid to vote for the opposition party for fear of repraisals from Mugabe's incumbant government. Despite these fears, turn-out was reported to be high. Just thought you'd like to know about some of the things going on on "the mother continent."

Queen Bee in Cell Block B?

Lil' Kim was convicted of perjury and conspiracy, but acquitted of a more serious charge, obstruction of justice. If Kim goes to jail, who's gonna keep us up witht the latest in plastic surgery???

Gannongate won't be Investigated: Could GOP Congressmen be Responsible?

There will be no inquiry into Jeff Gannon's continuous access to White House briefings. Add that to the list of the impeachable offenses that the Bush Crime Family (BCF) may have commited, and that the GOP held Congress will never even investigate. Dare anybody to tell you with a straight face that what Clinton was impeached for was more valid then what BCF should be impeached for...

"War is a Racket"- Definately Check this One

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the
most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international
scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars
and the
losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as
something that is
not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a
small "inside" group
knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit
of the very few, at the
expense of the very many. Out of war a few people
make huge fortunes."

When was this written? After "Shock and Awe," two years ago? When we invaded and only secured the oil fields; leaving the Iraqi people that we were there to "liberate," to fend for themselves? Maybe it was right before the war began, a warning about the true causes of Bush's march to war? The answer is 1935, right between two World Wars. It definately applies to our current times though. Read the rest here.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Fake News! Fake News! Fake News!

MSM (that's mainstream media to those that don't regularly visit the blogesphere) has finally picked up the story on prepackaged "news" stories created by the federal government. They don't call it, "fake news," in the New York Times, but an extensive report was made investagating how these reports are made, who benefits and how and why they end up on local news telecast in markets large and small. The report makes it clear that government use of prepackeaged news reports started in Clinton's first term(!), but that the breadth and depth of it's use has been seriously ramped up buy the Bush Crime Family's (BCF) government. Why is this such a bad thing? It's not if you think that interviewees should know the questions that they'll be asked beforehand, and should get coaching to give the most dynamic responses. Nothing's wrong with it if you believe that Afghan gratitude towards the US for invading their country should be documented by the State Department (and taken from an Afghan in... Kansas City?!). And all of this is great, even if the viewer never gets a sniff that the "reporter," that they're watching isn't really a reporter, and doesn't work for the station that the viewer's watching, or for any news organization at all. This is just one aspect of the Bushies all out, covert, propaganda campaign against the American people, an aspect that has been called illegal by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office. Alberto Gonzalez and the rest of his justice department responded by sending a memo that said to ignore the GAO (just like they ignored, I mean ignore, the Geneva Conventions); but then, why would I expect the BCF to start caring about accountability now? Is it time to take to the streets yet???

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Targeting Journalist: Was Eason Jordan Right?

Heard the one about the Italian journalist that was kidnapped by Iraqi insurgents, released, and on the way to the Baghdad airport, shot by American troops? Heard whispers about how the shooting may have been intentional? Here's one of the most complete accounts of what went on. Update: The troops that shot the Italians were part of John Negroponte's security detail. Read Negroponte's background, and then decide if this whole deal doesn't smell a bit fishy...

Vote Rigging, Florida, Suicide; This is an interesting read

Brad Blog has a story about (R) Congressman Tom Feeney (FL) asking a programmer to create vote rigging software, and the web that was weaved since then...

The Bushies wouldn't have Faked Saddam's Capture, Would They???

Saddam Hussien wasn't found quivering in a hole according to a Marine on the search team that found him. Let's add it to the list:
-fake news
-fake (gay prostitiute) reporters
-forcing agencies to change reports to fit their worldview
-the Saddam statue pulldown
lies, lies, lies!!!!!!!!!

An misinformed populace is the backbone of democracy...

Hope you like your debt, you'll be keeping it awhile...

The bill that eases the burden on the rich and keeps the foot on the throat of working folks and the poor passed the Senate and is ready to become (horrible) law. 14 Democrats went along with this law that will contribute to the erosion of the middle class and add to the misery of the poor, including the Democrat in name only Joe Liberman (of course). I guess this is what Dubya meant when he talked about an "ownership society;" your debts will allow credit card companies to own you.

Black don't mean Crazy!

Army recruitment of Black folks is dropping dramatically. Apparantly, we don't like being cannon fodder for an unjust war, so we're taking Furious Styles advice, "A black man don't got no place in the army."

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Serena Picture of the Week....

"enjoy yourself bitches..."

The guy that makes you glad that Condeleeza Rice is Secretary of State

The perfect choice for ambassador to the United Nations? How about someone that says of U.N. headquarters, "''If the UN (secretariat) building in New York lost ten stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference,''? This guy makes Condeleeza look like... well, Colin Powell...

Friday, March 04, 2005

It ain't Easy Being "Gay" (in the NFL)

This is just funny...

It ain't Easy Being "Gay" (in the NFL)

This is just funny...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I'm Sure Glad that Dubya Spread Liberty in Haiti by Engineering a Coup against a Democratically Elected Presidient: 1 Year Anniversary Violence

1 year after the U.S. engineered coup in Haiti the choas in Haiti continues. The richest country in the world can't help stabilize a tiny neighbor and ease it's poverty? Well, why should we be surprised, we cant even keep our nation's poverty under control. Not that America has ever wholeheartedly tried to reinforce or stabilize Haiti, or reinforce or stabalize Black communities at home. Think Progress has a lot of the relevent stats on the current situation there.

Update!: Randy Moss a Raider! (Lamont Jordan Joining Him?)- In the Immortal Words of Flava Flav, "Yeaaaahhh Boy!"

It seems too good to be true, but it is true. Randy Moss is now an Oakland Raider! I don't like giving up an early first round pick when the Raiders need a running back and there are a lot of young running backs avail.. who am I kidding, WE GOT RANDY MOSS! There are rumblings that Charles Woodson is being shopped around, which would bring that early first round draft pick back to the Raiders. Now they might just get that running back . Will they have enough to get that D together???

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Prisoner Abuse in Brooklyn!

Beyond your run-of-the-mill prisoner abuse that my people doubtless endure day in and day out behind bars in this nation, there seems to have been a Abu Ghraib style prisoner abuse case going down in Brooklyn cells. This case, if it gets more pub, may get us to talk about domestic prisoner abuse, even the abuse of Black and Latino prisoners. Since 1/4 of our brothers end up in the system at some point, we should probably have an eye on inmate/ ex-con rights.