If you believe that it's wrong that the top 20% of our nation's earners control 84% of our nation's wealth; and that doesn't make you a Socialist….
If you believe that 30 million more Americans having access to healthcare is a good thing…
If you believe that equal work should mean equal pay….
If you believe that climate change is real and that we might want to do something about it…
If you believe that the United States of America should not, ever torture people…
If you believe that receiving a Nobel Prize is more impressive than a shoe to the dome…
If you believe that busting Medical Marijuana providers and patients is not a good use of our Federal resources…
If you believe that it might be a tad unfair to say that the President failed to do something when he has two years left to his first term…
If you believe that the Auto Industry Bailout worked after all…
If you believe that America sitting at 18th in World education rankings is unacceptable…
If you believe that the Speaker of the House shouldn't be more tied to lobbyists than anyone else in the chamber (a tough bar to clear)…
If you believe in science, and in government support of scientific exploration…
If you believe that having a preexisting condition is not reason enough to lose your healthcare…
If you believe that corporate America shouldn't be given (even more) free rein to buy any election they choose….
If you believe that immigration reform should be handled with common sense and common decency instead of demagoguery and division….
If you believe that the President IS NOT a Kenyan Anti-Colonialist….
If you believe that the President is actually, you know, an American…
If you believe that Historically Black Colleges and Community Colleges should receive a much needed boost from our government…
If you believe that being first in healthcare spending per capita in the world should lead to being better than 37th in the world in healthcare outcomes…
If you believe that it's a good idea for young people to be able to stay on their parent's health insurance until they're 26…
If you believe that it's impressive to pass legislation that 8 decades of Presidents and Congresses' couldn't pass (warts and all)…
If you believe that credit card contracts should be written in plain English….
If you believe that Grandma shouldn't have to give back her Social Security…
If you believe that Grandpa shouldn't have to give up his Medicare (and you understand that Medicare is "Government Run Healthcare")…
If you believe that having a President that can "brush his shoulders" off is pretty cool…
If you believe that the biggest American investment in infrastructure since the Eisenhower administration was significant…
If you believe that the biggest investment in clean energy in the nation's history was significant…
If you believe that tax cuts are better when we can afford them….
If you believe that tax cuts work better when they go to the poor and the middle class, rather than the uber-rich and the corporations…
If you believe that Muslim-Americans are as American as any other American…
If you believe that Billions in education dollars should go to actual grants and loans, instead of to banks…
If you believe that the FTC and FDA are supposed to make sure that advertisers claims are real…
If you believe that the worst recession since the Great Depression (which took a decade and a World War to come out of) might take a little bit more than 21 months to recover from…
If you believe that Gay and Lesbian Americans have as much right to fight and die for their country as straight Americans…
If you believe Gay and Lesbian Americans have as much right to be in an unhappy marriage as straight Americans…
If you believe that there's some long overdue infrastructure building to do in your community…
If you believe that opposing ideas that you proposed is kinda nutty…
If you believe that strong regulations to stop huge oil spills and financial crisis' might be a good thing…
If you believe that in a democracy, it's probably a bad idea to hold out for the "perfect" at the expense of achieving the "good"…
If you believe that, in America, a Mosque can be built anywhere that a Church can…
If you believe that Americans should be just as protected from exploding mortgages as they are from exploding toasters…
If you believe that having three women on the Supreme Court at the same time for the first time in American history is moving in the right direction…
If you believe that keeping teachers, police, firefighters and others that serve our communities from being laid off seems like the "proper role of government"…
And if you belief that a list this long means that the argument that there's "no difference" between where we've been and where we are/where we're going holds no water…
Then act on your beliefs, look at the choices in your state, in your district, on your ballot and vote with those that believe more like you believe…
…Then bring a friend that believes in what you believe with you to vote too.