Update:The Downing Street Memo: Proof of what we knew, Bush is a LIAR!! What happened in the Hearings
Rep. John Conyers had hearings on this topic today:
British intelligence officers, in high level cabinet meetings said what we knew: that President Bush was intent on attacking Iraq and that, "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." What's important about this is that it's now down on paper, on an official memo, that Bush knew that his evidence wasn't credble and yet he still used it to decieve the Congress and the American people to take us into war. The cost of this deception, 1,677 U.S. troop deaths (with over 10,000 wounded), over 25,000 Iraqis reported killed and nearly $200 billion dollars spent so far. Does this sound like stronger grounds for impeachment then getting blow jobs and "dipped" cigars in the Oval Office? If you think so then please sign Congressman Conyers petition to start a Congressional inquiry into the facts behind the Downing Street memo, before the next war begins...
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