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Monday, July 09, 2007

More Bushshit...

Congress has demanded documents and testimony from former and current White House aides relating to the firing of 9 U.S. attorneys, a demand that the White House has refused to comply with. The firings are being investigated by Congress because of mounting evidence that the Justice Department, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez in particular, fired the Attorneys because of their refusal to pursue, or stop pursuing cases based on political motivations. One firing in particular seems to have been done in order to give the Arkansas US Attorney job to one of Karl Rove's aides.
The requested documents are expected to shed light on whether the White House was directly involved in the firings, and more generally, if the White House was using the office of the Presidency to conduct partisan business, and/or using Republican National Commiteee resources to conduct official business, both of which are illegal. The White House claims that they do not have to release the documents or the aides to testify because of executive privilage (while the Vice President claims that his office doesn't have to comply with another request because he is not part of the executive branch) and basically dares Congress to take them to court. They wouldn't mind that outcome because it is likely that the case would take longer to be decided then there is time left in Bush's 2nd term.
Congress is trying to pressure the WH to compromise and release the information in some official way, while the WH's take it or leave it offer is to offer up the aides to testify in private, off the record, and not under oath. Yet another example of the Bush-Cheney disdain for the rule of law and Congress' impotence in the face of it. Good times...


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