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Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Politics of "Sith"

"If You're not with me, you're my enemy."-Anakin Skywalker

"So this is how liberty dies; with thunduress applause."- Senator Padme Amidala Skywalker

“I am the Senate!” -Emperor Palpatine

DO these lines speak to our times, or is my hate of the current Corporate-cratic era of government blinding me???

Is Episode III the biggest protest film of all time?

Things you think abaout at 4 in the morning when you can't sleep...


At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

am i the only one that has read your blog? yes, Sith was definitely obvious w/ its political stance. -DN

At 2:50 PM, Blogger GBREY said...

you're the only one that talks. Everyone says that they read it, but where they at? Okay, since Dngo says it was obvious, the next question is will the POV effect young minds to be more aware when they're adults to fight against a situation like we're in now?


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