Enough Palin, Here's a Women that's Trying to be Funny and Offensive
Sarah Silverman lends her objectionable talents to "The Great Schlep" a movement to get young Jews to go down to Florida and convince their grandparents to vote Obama (I'm not kidding). My favorite part is when she compares her Nana to a Black man to show the similarities (starting with a shared love of track suits and going downhill from there). We all can find our own way to pitch in, here are 5 ways that you can (besides schleping to see Nana...
1) Convince your undecideds- Whether they don't like Black people, are Black people but think Obama isn't "real" enough, are Republicans that are ready to rehab or Dems that still aren't over Hillary (or Kucinich), people that they trust are the ones that they are going to listen to the most. You're trustworthy right?
2) Phone Bank- You can call voters in the nearest toss-up state and give "straight talk" to your fellow voters. You can do it from your bedroom or find the nearest phone bank site to you.
3) Contribute- Money makes the world go round, and it sure makes politics go round. You can pitch in easily, by going to my donation page. I'm 1/4 of the way to my $1,000 goal, thanks for getting me closer...
4) Knock on Doors- I did this in '04, for a candidate that was much harder to advocate for, and it was a blast (except for the losing part)! Nothing is more impactful then person to person contact and you're a person right?
5) Don't Forget to Vote- In the midst all your work don't lose your voice. Make sure you're registered and that you vote!
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